23 Keys to Protect, Secure, and Grow Your Family's Financial Future - Introduction
Dec 01, 2019Merry Christmas! This month, I'm going to give you the gift of my book, 23 Keys to Protect, Secure, and Grow Your Family's Financial Future. Each day leading up to Christmas, you'll be given a key. So, by the time Christmas day arrives, you'll have all the pieces to the puzzle and then some. It's my gift to you, my readers, and I hope you enjoy.
A Very Merry Christmas to you all! Blessings in Abundance!
Michelle R Russell
Time to Take Control
You don’t have to be a mathematical genius to take control of your family’s financial future. You just have to be a responsible adult. When I say adult, I mean anyone who is willing to be accountable and in control of their finances. If things are looking a little wobbly, it’s time to grab the reins and take control of your money.
“Money is energy. That energy needs guidance. It flows and is meant to flow, like water. You have to be the architect of that flow. You have to tell your money where to go. You have to build water mills to use what you have to create even more energy. You have to build dams to stop it flowing where it should not. Be the master of the flow.”
-Michelle R Russell, 50 Shades of Green
How do you handle your money right now?
Do you know where your money goes? What percentage of your income are you spending on your rent/mortgage? Do you know if you are overspending in any area of your budget? Do you keep track of what you spend and where? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you are not alone. Most people don’t. Most people have no idea where all their money goes. They think they do, but they're actually blind to a lot. The following steps are to get you on the path to financial security. They are here to help you and guide you into making the best financial decisions in regards to your family and future. Don’t just read them. Do them.
Does Age Matter?
Obviously, the closer you get to retirement age, the more important savings become. However, that does not mean if you are in your twenties you should sit back and take it easy. On the contrary, the younger you are, the more important saving becomes. If you train yourself early, you won’t have the burden of playing catch-up down the road or the problem of cleaning up the messes of many economic disasters that could have been avoided with just a bit of savings. You’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having your money work for you. Whatever your age, money matters.
I saw a chart in one of Dave Ramsey's books and I have recreated a similar one in Step #15. It will give you an idea about the power of youth and the advantage you have when you begin saving early. When you get older and you haven't had the luxury of that foresight, it can make you feel as if you are playing catch-up and that's not a good feeling.
Next - Step #1
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and take a look at July's BNB Budget Makeover Series inside our blogs...
This month, we give you loads of great ideas on using your orphan days to make inexpensive changes to your properties. Begin here, with Budget Room Makeovers: Weekend Projects for Under $1000.
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