7 Reasons Why You Should Own Silver and Gold
Feb 01, 2019Silver and Gold are significant assets and I believe every household should own their own silver in small one-ounce bars or rounds. Don’t get fancy looking into collector coins. You just want a plain and simple one-ounce of silver like a Liberty Round or Silver Eagle.
Why should you own precious metals? Gold is one of the five G’s that Robert Kiyosaki says every person should have (they are gold, grub, guns, gas, and ground) in case of emergency. However, Mike Maloney of GoldSilver.com, an authority in Silver and one of the trusted Rich Dad advisors, says that owning silver has never been easier and is a great place to start. Buy silver now, then, later on, switch over to gold when the prices are more similar.
Why start with silver? Because silver is a much better deal right now as you can buy an ounce for around $15. The price can’t go much lower than that because it costs a certain amount just to mine the precious metal. Also, gold and silver are REAL money and REAL currency. It is not a fiat currency like almost everything else out there, including our US Dollar. This means you’ll be able to use it in an hour of need regardless of what happens to the dollar.
Here are 7 great reasons to own silver and gold:
1. Silver and Gold are easy to buy.
Silver and Gold are easy to buy. You can find Stamp and Coin shops everywhere that sell precious metals. Just know today’s prices and don’t buy too far over spot, today’s price. You can order them directly from the mint, but I don’t recommend that anymore unless you know a good one. Well know mints that I used in the past are filing bankruptcy, so use caution. Lately, mint prices are higher and often take months to get your orders. You can find people selling bars and rounds online, but there can be a lot of fraud with those sales, so be careful if you want to try that method, too. Just be smart.
People ask me where I go, so I'll tell you. I buy mine from my friend Mike who owns GoldSilver.com. Mike is an expert, actually, he is the leading authority on silver in the world. He is a real genius who knows everything about currency. On his site, you can buy a single round or a huge bulk order. It’s insured and gets mailed safely to your door where you will have to show ID and sign for it. You can even use Paypal to pay for it. I’ve known Mike for years and I trust him. I don’t get anything for recommending him to you except peace of mind knowing you’re in good hands. I recommend you find your own Mike: someone with a good reputation and fair prices. Ask around.
You can pay in whatever form the seller agrees. There shouldn’t be any paperwork involved. It’s like buying a loaf of bread at a store. You go in, pick it out, and pay for it. Done. There are no contracts to sign, unlike other assets. Silver and Gold, in fact, are the only financial assets that don’t require contracts. Even diamonds have contracts.
2. Silver and Gold are easy to store.
You can easily store gold and silver rounds or bars at home. They fit in the palm of your hand. You don’t need a safe. As a matter of fact, it’s probably safer to hide them cleverly somewhere else in your home and just keep a few in your safe. Just don’t forget where you hide them. When I moved, I found a bunch of silver I had hidden years ago and forgot about. Whoa. Lucky I found it before I moved because my kids would never have known. There are books on great hiding spots if you don’t think you can come up with your own.
NEVER use a bank or safety deposit box to hold your precious metals, though. In 1933, President Roosevelt made it illegal to own gold because of the depression and the government confiscated it. It could easily happen again so don’t take that chance.
Want to hold physical gold somewhere else? I recommend goldmoney.com. Again, I don't get any money from them, but it's a company that I use and have found to be reputable. You can buy and sell precious metals in several currencies, exchange them back and forth easily, and hold them in several locations around the globe. It is physical gold, silver, or other precious metal that is just held somewhere else. They are audited regularly and fully insured, as well.
3. Silver and Gold can be liquefied easily.
Unlike other assets, it is extremely easy to turn Silver and Gold into cash. There are stamp and coin shops everywhere that will buy it from you. You can list it on eBay, Craig’s List, or the hundreds of Facebook garage sale type sites and it sells in just a few hours as long as you price it right.
4. Silver and Gold are valuable because they are real money.
Silver and Gold have been used as currency for centuries and will remain valuable for centuries more to come. It is real, tangible, and true currency. Any currency is valuable as long as it is backed by gold or silver. However, when we were taken off the gold standard, our currency became a fiat currency. That means it isn’t real. Why? Think about it like this: how much does the paper and ink to print a dollar cost? So what is the real value of a paper dollar? What is the real value of a gold bullion? One has real value and the other does not because it’s fiat, not real. All fiat currencies throughout history have failed. Yes, every single one of them. It usually takes less than 100 years for them to do so and we have been off the gold standard for a good amount of time.
Also, many mines around the world are closing, which means that less gold will be in circulation making it more valuable. The same for silver, the less in circulation, the more valuable it becomes. Go to goldsilver.com to investigate further.
5. The Demand for Silver and Gold is high.
Financial experts know China has been collecting and hoarding gold for some time. India is looking for gold. Other countries are attempting to get theirs back. Germany is peeved because a lot of their gold went missing. So much for leaving it with a friend. Gold is in high demand because of currency volatility everywhere, even here in the US. We don’t know how much gold we have because the Federal Reserve, a private corporation and not a government agency, refused an audit from our government. Imagine you getting a judge to demand that your bank show you what you have in your vault and they just say, “no, we’re good.” That’s pretty much what is going on.
Right now, demand is high and supplies are low. That’s a really good thing for those who own it.
6. Silver and Gold are a private asset.
Silver and Gold can easily be hidden from the world and remain a reliable asset. If you think about it, pretty much every other asset you buy (stocks, bonds, and real estate) will have a paper trail to them. However, as long as you buy under a certain amount, right now I believe that it’s $10,000, no transactions in your name need to be kept when you buy or sell silver and gold. It’s pretty much untraceable if you want it to be. Also, it is perfectly legal to buy and sell it that way. Those other assets don’t remain hidden for long and through many public records, people can research what you bought and what you own.
7. Silver and Gold prices are still very low, especially Silver.
As we touched on a moment ago, Silver and Gold prices are still very low, so it’s a great time to buy. However, it’s always a good time to buy, because I don’t want you investing in it to make money. I want you to hold it like an insurance policy for the moment. If you think you are going to need to sell it in the near future for cash, then I would recommend holding off. Silver and Gold go up and down in value. Although, as we are printing this, they are both beginning to rise, which is a great “buy” signal, one can never be sure. So I only advise buying if you can afford to hold on to it for a while. There are certainly going to be times in the coming years when you’ll be able to sell your silver and gold for a profit, but right now it’s just protecting us for the future.
The New Arizona Law on Silver and Gold
I am lucky to live in the great state of Arizona. Why? Because we are the first of all fifty states to have a law allowing us to exchange gold and silver as a currency and not have to pay state capital gains tax. According to the Arizona Law, no state capital gains taxes will be taken on gold and silver. It is stated in the bill that gold and silver would now be used as currency and not for any sort of tax investments. Gold and silver should be treated as ‘specie’ and not as investments. Specie means having gold and silver in special metal content coin form. The new Arizona law means we can use gold and silver as money, which it is.
There is no doubt that gold and silver are great assets. You can hold physical gold and silver in your hands, and you will feel the confirmation of having something valuable and reliable. It is safe because it’s real. It is also hard to destroy. Even if you go through a fire, your metal might melt but its value would remain protected. People can easily tear dollars but it’s hard to destroy an element like silver and gold.
Update: We updated the cost of Gold and Silver and added 3 more reasons to the video above. We hope you enjoy it!
Michelle R Russell
© The Prosperity Process, LLC
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