Episode 030 – The NEW & Better SOP for Your Business
Apr 26, 2021
Michelle explains that the NEW WAY to create your business’ SOP is even easier than ever. Plus, it’s a better way and is nearly foolproof. What is it? Capturing. Listen to this episode, open a Loom & Trello account, and get your SOP Organized to ease your duplication process now!
Plus, contest details are inside this episode! Enter to win BIG!! Go and Grow!
Transcript of this Episode:
Hi, this is Michelle, the master of money mindset, and you are listening to BNB dash boss podcast.
And in today's podcast, we're going to be talking about the new way of doing your SOP and just reasons why delegating. And hiring a virtual assistant is the best way to go. So we've already covered what a virtual assistant is and how you can get one and why online jobs.page is the best place to find one.
But we're going to be talking a little more in-depth in this episode. So stay tuned. Our show today is brought to you by audible. Audible is where you get your audio books online and get a 30 day trial into the audible membership for free. By going to audible trial.com forward slash S T R revenue that's audible trial.com forward slash S T R revenue.
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I appreciate it. So please do take a picture of it. Send it over to me at Michelle at BNB dash boss. Let me know that you did and we'll enter you in those drawings. So the first thing in this episode that I wanted to cover was the fact that a lot of you are having difficulty delegating. You know why?
Because we're. We're entrepreneurs and we want to do it all. We really want to do it all. We think that no one can do it better than we can. And that in order for it to get done properly, we have to do it. But if we have the mindset of only I am able to do this, right, that means that I have to do it all.
It means I'm the only one who can. And that isn't very doable at all, right. Or duplicatable at all. You won't be able to duplicate yourself and duplicate your business the way you need to in order to grow your business. If you are the one who does it all, you have to let go of this. I'm hearing all of you through a lot of emails that you're having challenges with this, and this is why, and it's okay.
As the mother of five beautiful children who have grown and. Are all nearly about to be over the age of 21. And under the age of 33, I want you to know that I've been there, done that when you have five kids, you do everything. I mean, you're the one doing pretty much everything. And then you try to delegate little jobs and they don't do them.
Right. And you have to let go of the dishes being done exactly the way they need to be. Because a lot of times there's two different things that can be happening. Some of your kids will just do a half, but job, because they know that you are just going to redo it. So they're like, if I don't do the best job, mom's just gonna redo it.
And then she's not going to ask me again, that doesn't work. It's like, make sure that doesn't work. Or they just don't care and you got to make them care. Right. So you have to train them to do things the proper way. And it's just like a little army, right? It's just like teaching the little army guys to March the right way or make their beds the right way or dress properly.
It's exactly the same. It's like, okay, this is not how we do this. We're going to do this way. But you. Reward them as they progress. And you're going to have to do the same with yourself. You're going to have to say, okay, in order for me to grow, I'm going to have to let go of some of these things. And I do recommend that you write those things down, write the things down that you do every day for about five days, and then take a really good look at it.
Pick one task that you want to get rid of that you're not good at. You're just not good at it. And you don't like doing it. And it's not your favorite thing. You just wished that you could pass it off to somebody else. But you think that even if you did, you're still probably the best one to do it. Or it could be one task that you struggle to let go of.
What, when are you holding on tight that I just don't want to let go of this. Take a look at those. And we're going to pick one of those now. Remember in reality, not only can I find somebody else to do it, like I can, I might be able to find somebody who can do it better than I can. I want you to realize that.
So make sure when you're looking at these tasks that you have that realization that there might be somebody out there who is really, really good at this. I also want you to know that success doesn't happen overnight. Not for anybody. I mean, even overnight successes, quote, unquote, rarely are done overnight.
People have worked hard for things years and years and years, there may be some overnight successes, something that happened that hit fire. But the whole point is the majority of us know that success happens in decades, not days. I also want you to know that the people that you put on your team, they are part of your team.
They're not your competitors. You're not in competition with them, nor should you be, nor should you be afraid of training someone and having them go out and become your competition. That's probably going to happen and that's okay. There's enough out there for everyone. And only with lack and limitation mindset.
Do you get this? What if I train somebody and then they go and buy a property next to mine, you know what, so what, so what, then you train them and they're going to be successful and you should be happy for them. Right? I'm not unhappy for my friends who find a really good property and I'm not jealous of them because I know that if I put the same work and diligence into something, I can find another property.
There's always more properties and there's this huge mentality out there of lack limitation that there's a pie. And if you have a bigger piece of pie that everybody else has to have a smaller piece of pie, guys, there's no pie. There is no pie. The pie is an ever-growing pie. If it is a pie. Okay. Because commerce gets bigger and bigger every year.
There's more and more businesses every year, more and more small entrepreneurs, every single year, more and more competition every year. And that's okay because there are more properties every year. You just have to go and find your piece of the American dream, your part of this, because there's always enough room for more.
There really, really is the lie that you've been fed. That capitalism makes you greedy. Or being an entrepreneur makes you a part of some kind of major problem. That is a lie. Capitalism is the best part of America and it always has been. And if you look at any society that has allowed people to grow from the bottom up, those are going to be capitalistic societies.
Nowhere has socialism or communism ever worked. Their argument is, well, they're doing it wrong. Well, there's only a few ways to do it. And that's to put a few people in charge of the many and that never ever works. The whole point of America was to allow people to be in charge of their own American dream of their own beliefs, their own religions, their own families, and what they do.
And with freedom, there has to be choices. No one should ever push their beliefs or their morality on us as American citizens. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous to think that, and that is a communistic or a socialistic agenda. When people start doing that, they believe that they can make things better by creating rules and dictating things for everyone.
And. It's only through our individuality that we can make America great. The government has no part of that. They should not be able to make our choices. And as a matter of fact, free to choose was actually the name of a series in the 1980s done by Milton Friedman. He is one of the best economists, if not the best.
And he's a Nobel prize winner, you can look up his videos. I've posted his videos on my Facebook page before obviously they kept plugs because nobody wants to see the truth, but the whole point of Milton Friedman is. Having the freedom to make choices for ourselves is what being an American citizen is all about.
No one should be able to tell you what you should buy, what you have to buy, what drugs you should take. What's healthier for you. What's not healthier. Anything, no one should be able to make those decisions for you because you're free. You get to make those choices. You get to make the choices in moral decisions, right?
Whether you. Are monogamous in your marriage or whether you go out and have an affair, those are your choices. God has given us the freedom to choose. And in the United States, our constitution was written by godly men. It was written by Christians and they even tell us in the constitution that these rights do not come to us by the government, but by God himself, And God gives every one of us, the right to make a decision.
We have freedom of choice. We can listen to God or we can push God away from us. Right. We can listen to his commandments and obey them and do our best to live in a godly manner. Or we can do the opposite. Literally, the things that go wrong in a country is usually because society has pushed God away and we have done just that.
I know that the majority of you are young. And so you probably have heard this statement over and over again, this separation of church and state. No. Where in our constitution do those words ever exist? They have made that up. It is some bullshit, right there. There is no separation of church and state in the constitution whatsoever years ago when they wanted to take prayer out of schools.
They decided to take a letter that was written and they literally took those words and created them and started just, you know, a campaign of them. Making people believe that somewhere in the constitution, there is a separation of church and state. It does not exist. It does not exist. You have the freedom to choose.
And when we are business owners, we have the freedom to choose right now in America. Hopefully for a long, long time, we will repent and get back to godly ways. And so God will bless our nation. But when we are business owners, we have the right to choose the people that work for us choose wisely. And I'm going to base this on reading clockwork and some other really great books because.
Picking your players, picking your people for your business is not about finding the best person for the job. I know that sounds really weird, right? Skills can be taught. They can always be taught. What you want to do is you want to find somebody who is. Very intelligent, who has a lot of energy and drive and they're super persistent about what they do.
I think that is the reason why Filipino VA's worked so well is because they all are super intelligent and they have a lot of drive and they really want to please, you. There are going to be other applicants out there who are just there for the job. They need the money. You don't want those kinds of people.
And there's always a better paying job. Just like there's always another house. There's always another property. There's always more, there's always a better paying job so they can always find that. So you want to make sure that the people are loyal and driven, persistent, intelligent. Energy. Right. You want to make sure those things, but also going to be those complainer's and those are the ones you've got to drop right away.
You know, this job sucks. I don't like what I'm doing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And they may say one thing to you, but you're going to be able to tell a lot by their actions and how they speak to others about what they do. So remember skills can be taught. Remember too, when you're delegating that if something goes wrong, blame the process and not the people.
So we always say attack the process, not the people, because if I don't make my communication clear and I don't make something extremely clear in the way I tell people how to do it or show them how to do it. Usually that's where the challenge lies. It's not usually with the people. Very seldom is it with the people because I have chosen pretty wisely, but I want you to make sure that you are looking at your process and we're going to talk about the process in just a minute, but.
Make sure that we blame the process. Not the people it's most likely going to be our communication or a lack of communication than a failure in that area that makes something not work right away. Okay. So make sure we go back to that. Now we're going to pick the first task that we want to transfer over to somebody else.
We want it to be something with a very low stakes, not a lot of income is depending on this. Right? So you don't want to give away a task where all your income depends on this person being a winner at this first task that we hand them. So it's going to be low stakes. It's going to be easy, probably one of the easiest things that you have to do, probably simple, fast, right?
Very simple, very fast, very easy and low stakes. A lot of times we're doing these MWA is I call them MWH because there are minimum wage activities. There are things that you would give. If you were like a McDonald's, you would give these to your newest youngest employees. You're like, you know what, this little high schooler, they can totally do this job because I need to get it done, but I don't have the time to sit here and do it myself.
So flipping burgers while it's essential. To making burgers at McDonald's. It's not something that you want the manager to be back there doing. Right. It's a simple task. It's fast, it's easy and it doesn't have a lot of stakes. I mean, the worst thing that can happen is they can burn it and they can start over.
That's the worst thing. So low stakes, easy, simple, fast. This is really great too, because it's going to build confidence in these people. It's going to help them feel like they're a part of the team and it's going to help build their confidence. Remember not too close to money. All right. I always want to make that very, very clear.
Okay, so tasks that are simple, fast, easy, low stakes, right? No money involved. These are going to be really easy tasks to capture on video. And that's how we're going to do all of this used to be that we had these long books and we were constantly adding to them and things were being taken away. And we had all of our standard operating procedures in a book.
And I literally have some of the rich dad, SOP is, and the manuals from the events that we did everything from blocking the rooms out for the participants to putting plants on stage and where to have everything and how to have the tables set. And I mean, we have logistics for every part of every event.
And that's great. Nowadays, it's so much easier to capture this stuff on video it's so, so simple. Not only are there programs like Snagit, you can use programs like loom or zoom. I mean, there's just a ton of things out there that you can use to capture yourself doing these jobs and. What's really cool about it is you can say, okay, here's what I do every single day.
Every morning, I check this, you know, when I wake up, I go and do this. I go and do this. Here's how I answer these questions. And you can just create your guides to how your one, your business. And what's really cool about that is you grab it once. And you got it. And that means even if you lose that person, you still have how you train them and you can have this to somebody else.
It also means that if something changes you can change it just as easy, just switch on your loom and grab it again and change it out. If there's ever a task that you do more than once you should loom it, you should snag it. You should record it and then keep it for prosperity showing somebody else how to do it because.
These are tasks you're going to have to do over and over again, most likely in this business. And when you snag yourself doing it, when you capture that, you can pass it over to somebody else and they can do it just as easily. Now there's a lot of things that take a lot of time for us, like messaging.
That's why it's one of the first things that I suggest people do. As soon as you've got one property, whenever he gets sick of doing all the messages, right within one to six months, you're going to take your messages and you're going to automate them. Once you start answering the questions, you'll notice that you're answering the same type of questions over and over again.
You're sending the same messages over and over again. Why should you do this? Each and every time individually, you don't even have to cut and paste. You can create a template and send the template out. It's amazingly easy. And so it's going to be the same thing with almost every aspect of your business.
You're going to create a template and you're going to hand it over to somebody else. Bingo. This is how to duplicate your business. I know it seems so complicated when you first start doing it, but it's really, really not. Because every single thing in your business, you learn how to do somehow. Somebody else is going to have, learn how to do it for you.
Right? So give them a break, let them know you had a learning process. Give them that same opportunity. As long as you grab somebody with a very. Good work ethic and a lot of energy, they're going to do their best to try hard, to make sure that they're doing it the right way for you. And if they're not, you can easily guide them and say, Hey, this worked out really well, but this didn't, and you can check them personally for a little while to make sure that they're answering questions and stuff, the way that you want them to.
And if they're not next, just move on, move on in the process because it happens. It happens sometimes where you put the wrong person in charge of the wrong type of job, because everybody's got their, you know, their best area, the area of expertise, even if they never had done it before, you'll find out that somebody is a natural with messaging or they're not right.
And if they're not, let's move them onto something else. Maybe they can do all the scheduling, they can contact the landscapers, they can contact the pool guys and the bug guys and the maintenance crews for general maintenance. They can schedule all those other things in your cleaners and everything.
Right. So, If somebody isn't excelling in one area, they probably will Excel. And another, you can actually get a really good idea of this. This is why we use 16 personalities and we get personality tests. We can tell what somebody is really good at through a personality test. And it tells us, is this person good at working alone or not?
Are they good at following through, on a checklist or are they not, are they going to become distracted? We need to know this stuff ahead of time. And so it really helps us make some really good decisions there. Also previous people who they've worked for leaving them, some kind of testimonial will allow us to know because most of the time they'll say I gave them such and such task to do.
And they did really great. Here's what they excelled in. Loved it. Right. So we'll be able to see their strong suits. So these are really, really good things to think about when we are hiring and when we are delegating tasks for people to do. So when it comes to taping the tasks. You can use things like loom or Snagit.
These are programs on your computer. You can also use programs on your phone, but I think it's much easier to do desktop. I use my desktop and I record everything on a program called loom L O M U. You can get loom super easy. It's not very expensive. Or you can buy a program called Snagit. It's made by the same company that created Camtasia.
Camtasia is a, like an editing program, much like a movie, if you have a Mac. So again, I'm going to use information from Mike's books. Mike wrote clockwork and profit first and fix this next. You're going to love this information, but basically he tells us IPO to remember IPO when we're delegating things, it's information, permission outcome.
So you have to give the people. The information they need, right? So you're delegating this, what information or resources do they need in order to get the task done? Right. You're going to give them something and they might come back to you saying, well, I need this, this, this, and this. If I don't have this information, I can't get this done.
So what do they need, do they need to access any of your tools or any of your accounts? Right. So, not only are you going to record yourself doing the task, but you're going to use resources doing that. You have to make sure that your people have those same resources, those same tools in order to get the task done the way they need to get it done.
So maybe they need Google docs or an article. They also need information like deadlines when it has to be done dates and resources and stuff. Right. It could be anything. So just make sure they get the information that they need in order to get the jobs accomplished. They also need your permission. So this works really well.
And I went over this with John Jonas when I did his article with him because he was asking me what I use. My VA's four. And I told him that a lot of our VA's that we have in Florida, they have a lot more permission to do a lot more than my other VAs have. And what I mean by that is when somebody has something go wrong, I'm not in Florida.
I might be in Hawaii where I am, right. Or I might be in Arizona or I might be in Florida. So I may or may not be there. But they are as virtual as I am. So if somebody calls and says the air conditioner is out at one of my units in Florida, my VA's have my permission. To get it fixed, to find somebody and get it fixed.
And they have the same access as I have to the internet that I would be using right in. It doesn't matter if they're in the Philippines or not. They have the same resources I have and I pay for all of that. So they're going to contact. Those people for me and get the job done, or they're going to contact our maintenance guy and get the job done, and they're going to do it right away.
I'm not going to get a message that says, oh, the air conditioning is out in such and such unit. The people sent me a message a half hour ago. What you have to get that stuff done right away. Those things have to be fixed right away. You don't need my permission to fix that. Get it fixed, get it done.
Somebody is locked out. Get it open, get them in, you know, you don't need my permission in order to get things done. So you have to let them know what do they have permission to? Do you have permission to make it right? My gals know my VA's know that they have permission to make things right for my guests.
Make it right. Then contact me right first, get them into the property. Get the property. Cool. You know, whatever the problem is, solve the problem. And then call me, call me right away. Okay. But I want the problem fixed. I don't want you to call me and wait till you get a hold of me before you start to fix the problem, because.
Most problems for guests are urgent problems. If they can't get into a property, that's urgent. If they can't get the property cooled, that's urgent. If they're in a cool place and they can't get the property warm, that's urgent. If they have no water, that's urgent. There are a lot of urgent things that come up and they have my permission in order to do those urgent things, make it right.
Then call me and we'll fix it. Okay. I also give them permission to fix challenges with people who are, you know, demanding something. So let's say the AC did go out and the guy's not going to be there for a couple of hours. We give them permission to say, Hey. Why don't you guys go out and have lunch on us by the time you get back, we'll have it up and ready and cooled.
They have permission to take them out for lunch and give them whatever gift cards or whatever they need so that they can go to olive garden, make everybody happy. They've got permission to do that. Make it right. Then call me and tell me what's going on. That's when I want the phone call, I don't want the phone call after an, I don't want them to wait until they contact me in order for it to be going on.
What if I'm in transit, you can't reach me for five hours. You're not going to wait until you get ahold of me before you fix something. Right. So you've got to make sure that you give your people permission. What permission do they need to own the role and to make those decisions and to take responsibility for it?
Right? What permission do they need? Tell them tell them I trust you to make this decision. I trust you to make the decisions around this whole subject and give them parameters how they can measure their success. My measurement of success is making the guests happy. Make it right. Make the guests happy.
That's success to me. Or what's failure. Failure is the guest getting ticked off and moving out of the unit and wanting their money back that's failure. They need to know. And when you give them permission to do things, you can also give them permission not to do things right. You don't have permission to paint the house.
Or buy a new mattress for them, or somebody is complaining about something, you know, they don't like the color of something and they want you to replace it. You don't have permission to do that stuff that that's silliness, but give them the parameters around the decision-making. You can do this, but you can't do this right.
And also give them timeframes and budgets and limits. So yeah, you can pay for somebody to go out to dinner, but you don't have permission to give them $500 back for the day. You don't have that permission. That's reasonable too, because the guests knows and the guests isn't stupid, but the guests knows that if an assistant is handling something that they probably don't have the permission to be able to give them something big back.
It's like, well, I have permission to give you lunch. But I don't have permission to refund your entire stay that I'll have to ask permission for that I'll have to talk to Michelle about, or that I'll have to talk to the owner about whatever you want to say, but give them parameters and then let them know the outcome.
Where are they going? What is the outcome criteria of the whole thing, right? How will they know when it's done? How will they know when they're doing it? Right? What does success look like for them on this job? And you want them to know that you want them to know what the whole parameters around all that is.
And remember that is information permission, an outcome. Also let them know that communication is wide open. When you're doing these things, please feel free to call me and tell me if we're missing something. If there is something you need or you need more permission or you need further explanation, let me know.
The line of communication is wide open. Let them know that there is no failure in asking for clarification. There's no failure and asking for help. Right? Let them know that that is part of their job is to make sure that I'm communicating with them well, and that they're communicating me with me. I will have no qualms calling them up and asking them for further explanation about something.
And I want them to feel the exact same way with me. Please feel free. And I encourage you to contact me if you need further explanation or further clarification on any of this, this is really important that you let them know that that is not failure asking for help is not failure. So make sure too that, you know, you know how much you're micromanaging and.
How much you're abdicating and giving up. There's like this big, fine line that one end is control. And the other end is your freedom. Where are you? On that whole line, that, on that spectrum, are you a micromanager? And you've got to be like, really in control. You got to let go, you gotta let loose. Right.
And if you were at the other end of it, you're like I have total freedom. I don't do any of it. I mean, there could be too much freedom. I don't even know about it. And that's not good. You want to know about everything in your business, at least some things, right. Just how they're being managed. You don't have to.
No all the fine details, but you want to know about it. So make sure that you know where you are on that spectrum and you want to know what you can do to help your people own the roles that they are in, meaning you don't want them to have to come to you for every little thing. So imagine this scenario, I think it was in one of Mike's books where someone was at a store and they wanted to return something.
And the person said to them, hang on, I have to go ask my manager. And then they went and asked the manager, is it okay if this person returns something? And they said, well, do they have the receipt? And they said, hang on. And then they went back and they said, do you have a receipt? And the person said, yes, here's my receipt.
They went back to the manager and they said, yes, they have a receipt. And it's like, well, what's the date on the receipt? And they went back. Do you see, like, it could be this long drawn out process. The whole thing is when people know what their roles are, you can make their job so much more efficient.
Right? So give them all that information. First, train your team on their specific roles. And what they can and cannot do, make sure that they know what they need, make sure you know, what they need, give them all the information you can possibly give them so that there's not this back and forth, back and forth, back and forth thing going on between you and them and the guest do get it.
You want to make sure that your team is doing the absolute best they can do as efficiently as they can possibly do it. So any team's biggest challenges are a lack of communication and a lack of focus. They don't know what they're supposed to be doing. So they're all over the place. They have no idea. So there's a lack of focus or there's a lack of communication between you.
And so they don't know how to do it. They don't know why, when, what, how? I mean, they can't answer any questions about their job because they're like, I don't know. I don't know. So you want to make sure that you make sure that the communication is tight and you want to make sure that they know what the outcome is supposed to be.
You want to make sure they're focused and diligent about doing what you need them to do? Your job is what, here's your job. This is what it means to succeed. This is what it means to fail. If communication is your job, if getting things right, are your job. If scheduling is your job. Here's what that looks like a complete, and total failure of this would be this, somebody getting to the unit and the unit being a complete disaster because the cleaners never came.
That would be a failure. And that costs us a lot of money and it could cost us the entire booking. So, what does success look like? It means that as soon as somebody books a property, then you've set up the cleaners to clean that property on the day of exit. Okay. That's what that means. And if it's a one night prior booking, which we usually don't have, but let's say it was, then that means that you get that you get on the horn and you make sure that you've got a cleaner lined up for a one night booking, you know, to clean it the next day, because it has to be done.
So, like I said, while we're doing our processes, we're going to be on loom and we're going to show them exactly what we're doing. So in this instance, we've been talking about communication between the guest and us, our company. So the person has been messaging. They message us that something went wrong and our gal fixed it.
Right. So we've got a clear process set up. Now, how do we check that process? We have to have clean, clear communications. So we have debriefings done. And when people are new, we debrief them daily and we want to know how they're doing. If they had any questions, how did it go? You know, blah, blah, blah. We want to know everything.
And then as they start to work for us longer and longer, we can make the debriefs with them a little bit longer and a little bit longer until they're about a week part. We never go more than a week. Without talking to somebody and usually more than a few days, because we'd like to make sure that everybody's got everything they need and we're checking to make sure everything is running like a well oiled machine running like clockwork.
Right. Great book by the way, clockwork by Mike. And this is where a lot of this information. Well, it's not all from his book. It's definitely from the trainings that I've taken with Mike. But Mike has given us a lot of stuff when it comes to delegating. And setting up our SOP, our standard operating procedures.
He's made it a lot simpler for us to do because before his books and before his training, we were doing a lot of this stuff ourselves, and it was a lot more work. It was a lot more work, you know, and just communicating with everybody. It just makes sure that you're all on the same page that you have the same goals.
It's not negative, but it's really a positive to make sure that everybody's getting everything that they need in order to do their jobs properly and efficiently and with a good outcome. Correct. So there's great transparency in our business. You can see what's going on. You can see the progress without needing to micromanage anybody or even interrupt them.
We can see through all these processes by these things. And remember, like I said, if something doesn't go right, attack the process, not the person take personal responsibility. How have I contributed to them not having the correct tools or not having the process or not having the right environment or having the right support that they need in order to get things done?
What did I do? Because most of the time, the failure is going to be your own in the beginning because you just didn't communicate it right. And you may want to get angry with somebody, but they probably didn't hear you or understand you or something happened. And I want you to be able to take a lot of personal responsibility in this and grow from it because the better you are at training somebody, the better your people are going to be right.
And the better the outcome. So make sure you're hiring correctly, the skills and the personalities that you need. The communication that you need, the clear outcomes, setting all these things up, right. Make sure that you've defined everything. Here's what success looks like. Here's what failure looks like.
Here's what our vision for the company is. Give them clear instructions, the tools, the boundaries, the communication, everything that they need, don't assume that they know everything or even understand it. Have them repeat it back to you and let you know. What it means to them. Right. So what does that mean to you?
Because it could mean something very different, especially when you're dealing with overseas. Most likely it's not, if you're going to be using Filipinos, but sometimes it is take ownership of everything, right. Be accountable for your business. It's a big, big deal. So no more SOP the way they used to be done.
Now we use captures, we capture everything and there are videos for everything. And we. Keep them, we log them. And when we're training people, we can drop them right away. It's super easy. It puts so much less stress on us. Undue stress, stress that we really don't need. We also have these setups so that when we have a new employee, we're going to drop all these trainings on them a little at a time.
So we don't overwhelm them. But they're going to know about our company. They're going to know everything about us. They're also going to get their job descriptions. They'll know a lot of what's going on and we only have to make these recordings once, or if we change them super easy to change them to no more SOP is no more.
The long SOP is I think I did ask that the SOP episode from a couple of years ago be dropped in here. So maybe that's going to replay this Friday or last Friday, we're going to make sure the old SOP is dropped in here so that you can hear all the stuff that goes in an old SOP, because it's pretty much the same stuff.
It's basically just taking your business, writing down the day to day stuff and then logging it and allowing somebody else to do it. That's what your SOP is, are anything that you do more than once belongs. In your standard operating procedures. And now that we don't have a regular handbook SOP, now we use captures for them.
It's going to be the same thing. You're going to log them in your company directory the same way, and you can keep it all in an organized way. Maybe on Trello or a paid account with Trello. In order to have all of these videos in one place where you can find them. So you can take a Trello board and say, here's for our messaging.
Here's for our scheduling people. Here's all the videos on training for our maintenance guys. Here's the trains for our cleaning crews, you know, every single thing that you set up. You can have training videos set up for and captures set up for, and you can keep a Trello board so that you can send those videos to the people who need them.
Especially when you hire new cleaners, you want them to clean and set up in a specific way, or maybe they've never used properly or a system that you have like properly. And so they don't know about taking pictures after each and everything. So that you can capture and log everything, right? So these are important, important features to have and one place to keep them a Trello board is really easy for that.
And Trello is T R E L L O. You'll like them. They're really good. Actually. I just saw that that episode aired on Friday, the 16th of April. So you can go back and listen to creating your SOP and remember no more physical copies of SOP is your standard operating procedures. From now on, we're doing captures.
We're going to organize them in Trello. We're going to keep the videos on Vimeo or an account like Vimeo. Don't use YouTube they're Hitler. So go to a free enterprise. One that believes in freedom of speech. And keep your videos there and you'll be able to organize them on Trello and then hand them out to somebody as needed.
Okay. So that's this week's episode, hopefully that helps you out enough to know, you know, how to set these up and how to make sure that you're committed to having the best experiences handing off these tasks and delegating your tasks. To a virtual assistant or even an employee. Right? So these are really, really great things to keep in mind.
And SOP is no more. Now we're doing captures. And if you get the opportunity, please go and leave us a five-star review on iTunes. It would help us out tremendously. And I would greatly greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much for listening to our show today. Have a great day. God bless you. Go and grow.
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