Episode 052 - Noise Aware Stops Parties in Their Tracks, Just Ask Michael Goldin
Jul 12, 2021
One of the best know companies preventing parties in the BNB Industry is Noise Aware and Michelle couldn't wait to interview Michael Goldin about the company. He didn't disappoint, either. Noise Aware is working with many cities to save the STR Industry, as well as working with insurance companies to get your premiums lowered when you use their product. Find out more in this week's episode.
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Check out how you can use Noise Aware to prevent parties in your properties. Click here to go to Noise Aware or cut and paste the link below.
Transcript of this Episode:
Hi, this is Michelle, the master of money mindset, and you are listening to B and B dash boss podcast.
And in today's podcast, we are going to be interviewing Michael Golden with noise, aware noise aware is a great product. If you're not aware of noise, where it is creepy. That monitors, the noise levels, the decibels inside your property. So you can tell if a party is starting or not, it's really a great party prevention product.
And Michael's going to tell us all about that. I just want you to know that I'm going to start this not where I usually start interviews. I'm going to let you guys in on a little bit of the pre-call that way. Because Michael and I were talking about different states and different cities having new ordinances in regards to parties.
And he was telling me about Scottsdale. They are working directly with the city of Scottsdale here in Arizona. And I wanted you kind of to hear what's going on because this is really important. Parties and noise are the number one complaints that your neighbors will have with your. It's the number one complaint.
And then parking is going to be second that people are stealing their parking spaces, but making your neighbors unhappy, that is going to be probably the worst thing that you can do. You want to make sure your neighbors are always, always happy. You want to make sure your guests are being good neighbors.
You want to have everything inside your house rules that make your guest. A good neighbor for your neighbor, because if you make your neighbors unhappy, they're going to start just not liking short-term rentals and they want to get rid of them. And a lot of cities are having ordinances because people are unhappy.
Instead of being a good neighbor, everybody is like, well, it's my property. I can do what I want to do with it. They're not thinking about their neighbors and you really, really need to keep your neighbors in mind and keep them happy. And if you don't, the next thing you're going to have to do is defend yourself in front of a nature way, or maybe you're city.
You don't even have to protest to the state because some states are literally trying to limit short-term rentals to different areas. So you want to make sure that you are on top of this regulations are extremely important and you have to be proactive in it. So I want you to listen to a little bit at the beginning, and then we're going to get into the regular interview and then I'll join you again at the.
This again is Michael Golden with noise aware. Yeah. So do you know of any other states that do that?
You're like a lot. Um, we've actually got, we've got a pilot going on with Scottsdale right now. We've got one with Lakita in California, Coachella valley. We've got one in Marco islands. Um, Hollywood, Florida passed a law that requires. Our product. Um, the Northern and Southern suburb of Las Vegas is also required.
Our product, uh, Las Vegas is probably next. Um, and then twice this week, and this is not an atypical week, but twice this week, cities have reached out asking about how our product works and how it can help and all of that. So I loved your question on like, Kind of how to, how did I get into it and how do we, yeah.
How did you fall into this? It seems like in the past few years, and especially last year with COVID parties are getting out of control. I mean, when we had the shooting a couple of years ago, we had that on our podcast. Um, and I mean, people heard about that, but that wasn't right. An isolated incidents, the party's genre people using our homes and our properties for parties without telling us is getting huge.
So how did you guys fall into this so early? Did you see this coming or did you just kind of, was that a happy accident where you're just due to due to do Hey, neither. So, uh, noise where it was founded as the result of an Airbnb house party. So. Yeah, we're victims of it ourself. Um, our founder, David was renting out.
He owned about six properties in Dallas and he had two girls book, his, uh, one of his condos for quiet study weekend before finals. About this time of year, right before finals are supposed to happen, uh, for me right before finals mints, just a week off to party, um, which also meant for these girls as well.
And sure enough, uh, two days later on Monday, he had 15 noise violations, a cease and desist from the condo association and they, they essentially forced him to sell and get out of the building. So took a loss on that and he lives two miles away. So all could have prevented it so easily. Had he known he could have stopped it.
And so he started looking around for how do I get a noise monitor? And just to tell me if it's too loud. So I don't have to rely on my neighbors to be my noise monitors. And because of all of that, Uh, luckily found our co-founder Andrew who was building radar systems for the military and, and said, yeah, no problem.
I could bought, uh, a noise monitor. And he did, that was, that was in 2015. So, uh, we, we, we know this problem intimately. It is literally why the company was started and we've, we've been at it ever since. And it has certainly gotten as a problem, bigger and bigger. But I, I don't know if it's necessarily the frequency is rising or just the fact that rentals itself are more common.
Um, the, during COVID last year that that incidents rates nearly doubled during the height of COVID because people didn't have a bar or a restaurant or a nightclub to go to. They went into rentals. So typical incidents rates, um, one in 20 reservations. Are going to be loud enough that a neighbor is going to be disturbed or could be disturbed.
One in 200 reservations is indicative of a full blown house party. Big problem. So if you have a single unit, 200 reservations is several years, right. But if you have 10 units, That's a much more frequent occurrence, right? It's it's a couple of times a year. And depending on where your properties are, it increases the likelihood, like you said, properties in Vegas.
Having a big property in Vegas is just asking for trouble new Orleans. I'm going to a bachelor party this weekend, a new world, Miami Nashville. But it's really not limited to urban markets. And we saw a lot of this this past year, especially places like Kasumi that have never had before, because it's a family market, but there were literally pop-up strip clubs at people's houses in Kissimmee.
That's crazy. And what they would do is rent out three houses and the neighborhood. So as soon as one got shut down, they just told everyone to go to the other one. And then they told everyone to go to the other one. So these people are sophisticated. Like they know, they know how to gain the system. The only way you can protect it, uh, is by actively monitoring your process.
Wow. I mean, I thought the people hiring door bouncers was like beyond me. And we had our friend, Chris, he has properties up in Napa valley and they put a, like a poll have in a rental
from the camera. When a camera angle, when somebody opened the door, he was like, holy cow, they put his stripper pole in my property. Wow, this is crazy. So, I mean, that's amazing that they're sophisticated enough where they can just move people from one to the next. Yeah, we we've had one of my favorite stories as well.
There's a couple, but the pop-up strip club is an interesting one. Another, there is a, a bachelor party in Tahoe and the company knew that this was going to be an issue. So they got out ahead of it and told them. Just spend the time in the bars. Don't don't bring anything back here. Just stay out. And they said, fine, sure enough.
Uh, they got an alert from us and they kind of skipped the protocols of messaging the guest and, and as it down because they, they knew this was a bachelor party. And when this lady arrived to the property manager arrived to the property, they thought that she was the entertainment for the bachelor. Um, so she was both flattered and terrified at the same time.
Uh, but she, she had, uh, she got a kick out of that one. Uh, but then she evicted them all. And then some college students in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, they were seniors. It was right around graduation. And they told the property manager, they were going to have a backyard wedding for one of their friends. So small little intimate wedding, they went so far as to like, Green tuxes and set up the backyard.
Um, and they have like, uh, this, this whole thing playing out on the ring doorbelling out. So like they acted like they were walking down the aisle and this whole thing, and then they just threw a big party that night. And luckily, um, stopped him before he got out of hand. Yeah, there's some funny, funny stories that we hear.
Um, but luckily all of them are the property manager hosts intervening before neighbors or before the police or before it really comes to begin with that is the important part. That is the important part. Okay. You know, like you said, if they, if you have a neighbor who files a grievance against you, if you have an homeowners association or there's any, any kind of governing board, you can, you can lose your property.
I mean, and it's, it's hard to tell people because most people don't believe it, but now you've got, I mean, that's where your whole thing came from. You actually were forced to sell. That's incredible. And that's in a market that's very friendly to rentals. Right. And then you've got, got markets. In Palm Springs, it's three strikes.
You're out. You have three issues in one year. You, you lose your license and you can never get it back. There's a lot of, a lot of markets similar in Tahoe. If you have outdoor noise, past 10:00 PM, the owner gets fined a thousand dollars and the guests get $500,000 in leukemia. If you have any amplified noise anytime of day.
It's a citation and it's a thousand dollars. So people who live there. So like if you had, yeah, for short term rentals, if you live there, you can have all the amplified noise you want. Oh, you gotta be kidding. So it's only for your dad. That's crazy. Amazing. Well, Scottsdale, like you've mentioned before that you're working with Scottsdale, Scottsdale is trying to limit, they they've got a big, um, group of people who are going against short-term rentals saying that that's the reason why Scottsdale is so expensive and you're like, what?
Like, Scottsdale's always been expensive. You're like, okay. But all right, well, we'll buy that, but they're trying to. They're trying to get them out. So at the same time, there's a bunch of short-term rental owners and managers that are trying to make sure that they can say, Hey, look, we've got this under control.
We've already got tools that we can fight this with. So it's great that you're working with them. Yeah. Yeah. So there's kind of three layers to, to bad regulation. And in cities and COVID has not helped. COVID certainly drove party incidences up and noise incidents as people spend more time at home. So they're more sensitive to noise that's going on around them.
And so noise drives neighbor issues, which drives bad regulations, which tribes banning rentals, which means you lose money, whatever. So it really is kind of the root of it. Uh, bad regulation in 90% of markets, uh, there might be a couple of legitimate cities that can claim affordable housing, like New York or London or Tokyo, but not in Scottsdale.
Right, right. Exactly. Scottsdale's always end Scottsdale. So if the better organized a local association is, or the more adoption. Of preventative tools like noise aware the better it is for the entire community, not just for you and for keeping your rental safe and protected, but for your neighbors and for the livelihood of the community.
So we really view noise aware as an altruistic product. It's good for the owner. It's good for the property manager. It's great for the neighbors, which means it's good for cities and guests like going to that market. And want to be able to return. It's good for guests. Uh, you know, most guests are good and, and most guests after single text message from us asking them to quiet down.
80% of them quiet down within just a matter of minutes. Uh, great about your product too, is that you can have the automated messages that send it out. So we don't necessarily have to get on it right away. If you're doing something, you get a text, you know, that you are, your company is taking the first step.
We don't have to have our VA's on it. Right. We don't have that. So it's, it's important to, to not only use the product, but to, to make sure, uh, it's working best for you. And for some people, they want to see it and they want to say like, oh, well that was, that was a group of church kids. Like not worried about that being out of hand.
Right. Or that was a bachelor party. Forget, sending them a message. I'm just calling the security team they're going out there. Exactly. But knowing about it is, is really the, the key to, to stopping in as quickly as you can. I think the biggest challenge we've had teaching people about your product is that they're afraid that it's somehow infringing on the privacy of their guests.
They don't want to, you know, I mean, we already have the issues with cameras because like you said, people love using a product like ring or something so that they can have cameras outside of their property. Anything inside is a no-no, but outside the property, it's fine. As long as it's facing. But your product is actually, it has to be inside or it can be outside, like in a pool area or something.
So like you said, if, if there's, um, something like that going on, but how does it not infringe on the privacy of guests? Great question. So we were founded as the result of a, an Airbnb house party. So we designed the whole product to be built for short-term rent. There's a couple other people in the space that say they do noise monitoring, but they actually record stream transmit audio.
And that's a big, big no-no. Um, what, what we do is essentially, if you think about a thermostat, it's constantly taking the temperature of your home. We're the same, but we're constantly taking the noise, temperature, the decimal readings of your home and reporting that number. It into your graphs or into your data?
There is no capability of you've been recording or streaming or transmitting audio. Uh, I, I feel like sometimes I insult our technical co-founder by saying we're not a smart home device, we're in Dumbo device, but that's by design. We planned, uh, we always knew we were going to be in hospitality and it's important for us.
For, for the guests to know that it's not intrusive, we're simply, you know, uh, like a smoke detector is going to detect, uh, a problem with, you know, fire or cigarettes or whatever. We're the same with noise. And you know, every city in the world, every community in the world has quiet hours. They just never had tools to enforce it until noise working.
Perfect. I mean, that, that covers it. When you try to explain it to somebody you're like, well, it's not recording it. Well, it has to record something in near like, but it's, it's measuring something. So like you said, it's, it's I like the dumb thing. Well, that's funny, but not a smart round product for a demo product.
Yeah. I mean, the, like the, the thermostat is the easiest way to kind of wrap your head around how our product works. Exactly. I don't know exactly how a thermostat. Figures out the temperature, but it gives me a number that makes sense to me. And that's what our, our system does. We give you a number, um, what noises at your property and, and then we advise you like, yes, that is too high or no, you're you're okay.
Okay, cool. Now your product sensei has to be in. Can people see it? What does it look like? And can they disable it? Good question. So, uh, because we've been in the business for so long, uh, our very first and even our second product, uh, we've we've been able to iterate and make it better and better. So this is, uh, the indoor sensor and it plugs into all of your standard outlets.
And if you see those two holes, there's one here and then there's one right there. Like a screw that you can actually screw it into the outlet. Um, and that way, when a guest comes and tries to plug in their iPhone or their computer, they, uh, there's resistance there. Just plug it in a different outlet. Um, we also did build in an accelerometer, which will tell you if it's been physically touched before being unplugged.
And we'll send an alert that says that the product has been tampered with. So we we've been able to iterate and make the product better and better through the years. And now, um, we see temporal alerts occasionally, but extremely rarely. Um, most people try to place it behind a couch in, in a general area, but kind of hidden, you know, not like.
The most used outlet in your house and you don't want to go put it right next to the TV or on a power strip. You want to be able to facet it to an outlet, but there's always in any room. There's always kind of a wall like this one for me, my, my little sensors plugged in right here. But you said your, your little one was only like two or three, you're already monitoring your children.
I did actually put it, I did put one in, um, his nursery when he was real young and crying a lot. Um, just see, like, if it's ever an issue in noise, we're measures noise over time. We're not going to let you know, you know, if it's loud, one, one instance. But we look for sustained noise over typically like three to five minutes.
I had people ask like, does a crying baby set it off? Well, I have officially tested it. And the answer is no, as long as you pick up your baby and apply them down within five minutes, right? Like, um, and even then it's not crazy loud. Um, reading, you can definitely see it, but most, most parents are going to quiet.
They're screaming infants within, you know, as quickly as possible too. Absolutely. Do you think that your product prevents a lot? I mean, just, just knowing, just having it in our house, you know, in our house rolls saying that we have new ways of monitoring system. Uh, do you think that that helps prevent a party when somebody sees that and their intent is to have a party we're going to rent a property to have a party.
If they see that, do you think that to tourism 100% and we've kind of AB tested that with some of our customers. And, uh, we have seen a bounce rate increase on some of our customers, but conversions actually stayed the same. So. You're essentially getting a better renter renting your house, um, than, than somebody who's going there and knows they're going to make a lot of noise.
Like again, I'm going to a bachelor party this weekend. Everyone wants, because I'm in the industry. Everyone says I'd Michael, just get us a rental. It's like, no, we're staying in a hotel. We're, we're not, uh, staying in a rental. I'm not going to do this. We have way too many customers in new Orleans associated with it.
That's a great city. I love new Orleans. There's a couple of them, but at the end, I'll give you a couple of great restaurants to go to. They're so awesome. And the fat tire biking tours. I love those tours around there. I love to bike. And so going to the garden area, that's just like one of my favorites. Oh my gosh.
How, how does it notify you? Uh, what if, um, what if somebody, should they always have a smartphone so that they can get the app or is, are there other ways that they can notify you if something's up with your property? Yep. So you can select three different ways to be notified. Um, some of our larger companies, uh, just, just are notified via email, and then it goes into some support channel that one of their customer service reps can, can monitor it.
Um, so we can send alerts via email, via push notification through the app. Or through SMS. Um, so if you have a preferred or if you want it to go to all of them fine. We, we also knew that a lot of smaller companies kind of have a hot phone, like the shell of this weekend. You're on call and next weekend, I'm on call and we play this hot phone game.
We've got settings in our system where you just click a button and say, It's me this weekend or Michelle this weekend and you just select it and turn off the alerts for me and turn them on for you. Uh, so it's pretty, that's, that's really important, especially when we were with VAs. So having virtual assistants or having other people to monitor those calls, that's perfect because they can send, you know, you can push it right to them.
And they've got that notification. I don't have to get it all the time, especially if you're on vacation. 40 plus percent of alerts happen after midnight. Um, the, I would say like the 10 o'clock ish, but after midnight. Yeah. Yeah. It, uh, it kinda surprised me too, between midnight and 5:00 AM, but is you can literally turn off all your alerts during the day.
Uh, which a lot of people do. Like, I don't care if it's loud at my property at noon. I only care about my property at 9:00 PM or 10:00 PM or midnight and pre COVID, at least what, what happened a lot with what we call the after bar effect. You see, like you see some noise and then they leave for the restaurant and then they go to a bar and like, And then at 2:00 AM they come home and it goes straight up, like just super loud.
Um, you can always see it. There's like a little bit of noise, reasonable flat lines for a few hours. And then, boom.
It's true. That is so true. You got to go to states where the, well, like you said, the COVID must have really spiked that because the bars were not open. There was no after bar just bounced in party at your place. And that's probably why we've seen, you know, to us, we were just like, wow, to have your foot just to be in the place where you guys are right now.
Amazing. I mean, that's what a stroke of luck, but not luck because like you said, it started from something bad, but hopefully he made up enough of that to be able to buy another property is a good market. Yeah, for sure. Uh, he still has a couple out in Dallas. Yeah. We, we really believe that we're, we're a altruistic product for everybody.
It's it either is going to be adopted and be standard for everybody. And it really already is in many locations, but if people in some markets don't want to use our product, the cities are going to ban rentals or they're going to make them right. Um, and you know, we, we're not out there lobbying cities to make them use.
We'd much rather work with the associations and the local local, uh, owners and managers to say, you guys just make this standard on your own. And then when something comes up at city hall, you all can stand up as a United front and say, Hey, we don't have this problem. This, this problem only exists with a few bad apples.
And we have all the data in the world that you want. That's awesome. And that's the truth too, because the majority of us, when we are fighting, you know, a homeowner's association or something, we show them all the precautions that we've taken for everything. And it's like, look, I mean, uh, and including insurances and things like that, it's like, look, we have to have special insurances.
We have to have noise aware products. We have to have special smoke detectors. I mean, we, we make it. Uh, you know, that is a habit of a highly effective business person. This is a business to us. And so as a business person, we want our business to run properly. And in order to do that, these products are essential.
I mean, they are literally essential now for a variety of reasons. Do you need to have the internet? Most people have. You have to have the internet. Yeah. I mean, at the end of the day, if you don't have internet at your rental, um, your ratings are not going to be very high. Anyway, when you say, take a picture of the speed, walk into the property and do your speed tests, and that should be one of your photos.
We tell everybody that because it is getting to the day and age that everybody regardless, I mean, some people will fight this tooth and nail and say, we don't have televisions and we don't have the internet, you know, Out in the woods and I'm like, dude, if you can have the internet, people want it. If it's available to you, they want it.
They might say they don't. They might say they want to be away from it all. But when they get there or their teenagers get there, believe me, it's not going to last very long. Yeah. Or the family takes a trip and the mom or the dad has to do a couple of hours of work a day. Like you have to have good internet don't skimp on internet.
You can skimp on maybe, uh, a TV. Yeah. Yeah. You might be able to get away with that. You might be able to get away with a VCR or something. Maybe. Definitely not the internet. Okay. So what kind of guarantee can somebody get by using your company? Like if they've got the internet and they've got everything running, is there something that you guys do?
I know you have like this little, um, guaranteed, but tell people about what that is so that, because a lot of times people are like, wow, this is especially when they only have one or two properties. It's really hard to decide what you're going to spend that extra money on. And this is, this is an essential tool we think, but help them see the value.
Yeah, so the value really stems it in several key areas. Um, we have a partnership with proper insurance where we, over the past three years, we've, we've looked at data combined and we're reducing damage claims by 30%. So noise is a leading indicator of damage. Uh, Which makes sense. Right? Like the ladder it gets rowdy.
It is. And the more damage happens. That's a huge percentage. That's a third of the properties. Yeah. That's, that's crazy. So that's, that's a big one. The second is all of the stuff we've already talked about. The fines from cities, the potential of being shut down the worst potential of the whole city shutting down rentals.
So kind of protecting against. Your ability to even rent out. And then what, what happens a lot more often than we had ever imagined until our customers came to us and told us is how valuable our data is to protect against false complaints. So a lot of these cities do have fines for noise issues, but if you can show them your noise, aware data, that fine gets thrown out.
If, if it's a false complaint and. And actually in Marco island, w R one of our customers told us this last week, if a noise where user shows their data to fight a noise issue, the fine goes from $250 down to $50. So there's actually a discount, which is essentially the whole price of us. Anyway. So it's great.
Some cities have even, we didn't know about it. Like somebody at city hall had been told about noise, where for so long, and then they're like, all right, if they have data and we're gonna let this fine drop by $200. So that's huge. That's huge and you're doing all that you can to prevent it. So, I mean, I really think that judges, when they see that they're like, look, I mean, what else can they do?
Do you, you know, you don't know the intent of people when they buy. And, um, and just the fact that you guys have done your research too, seeing that it deters people. I tell people all the time you want those negative reviews. You want, you know, every so often we'll have somebody complained because we charge them extra for a cleaning or some, some kind of thing will pop up and I say, leave it.
They go, should we fight it? And I'm like, definitely not leave it. Let people see how serious you are about not having parties about keeping your place. You want people to know that you run a serious business and when you do it deters all the people who have a bad intention and only the good people get through.
And I love how you said that it's, it's helping you select a better clientele and that's imperative in this business and in this day and age, the better. Yeah. It's just not worth it these days for any, and every booking, if you have one party booking that pays you a thousand dollars or not, Getting a booking that weekend.
It's ultimately better to avoid it. The damage the time. I mean, the fines, the fees, I mean, and like you said, you could ultimately even lose that property and it's, it's just not worth it. It's just not worth this. Just say no. Yeah. And the crazy thing that we've had is because of COVID we've noticed our clientele shift, like you were talking about Florida.
We used to get a lot of families. But now, and the same thing in Arizona, the majority of people are traveling. They're doing like staycations. They're staying within a certain parameter. And Airbnb has given us data, um, on certain locations where it's 150 mile radius or a 250 mile radius. So people are coming close.
Whereas before if somebody was in or within the same towns, let's say they were renting one of our properties and Tucson, but they were from Phoenix. Why the heck are you coming, you know, 90 miles? Like, why are you staying here? And we would just say, no, but now it seems because our clientele is shift. W we have to be more proactive than we used to be.
We used to always say no to people who are within the same state, you know, if somebody was from Florida and they wanted to stay at our property and, you know, somewhere in Davenport or someplace, we're like, why are you saying here that you live way too close? You know, you're going to have a party. Now you can't tell because a lot of the staycation people are going to be there speeding.
Right. It could just be in exactly, but they have to find a place with good internet and they want to kitchen. They don't want to be in a hotel room, so. Okay. Right. They've got little kids, little ones running around. They're like, look, I just got to get some work done. You know, I need a space. So there's so many more reasons that we have to rent to people that, you know, our safeguards are out the window.
So this safeguard is a great alternative. It's a great alternative. So let's see. Do you have any products that you recommend as a compliment to noise aware? Yeah, absolutely. So to, to the point you just made about, you know, all of the previous norms are kind of out the window, There's three ways or three steps to protect yourself.
No matter what the booking is. First is guest screening. So services like auto hosts or guard hog are really good at screening on the front end noise, where is how you can screen while the guests are in your property. And then make sure you have a good insurance on the backend. If you have those three safeguards in place.
You're you're covering. So if the bad guests slips through or somebody who doesn't normally, you know, raise a red flag about throwing a party, throws a party, we can stop it. And if, uh, they weren't noisy, but they were still routing. Then you've got insurance. So you're protected all. Wow. France. Yeah. I love proper insurance.
It's our insurance company backed by Lloyd's of London, which is the oldest insurance company on the planet. So you can't beat, you know, and proper ensure we're, we're going to put your website in here so everybody can get to it. And it's super easy because noise aware, but proper insurance is proper dot.
And so it's a little bit different and super hog that they have an app on. You can get on your phone and they'll send an email to people and they, they have to match their face with their ID. That is so incredible. Like that alone, the platforms have moved to instant booking for a recent, right. Like I want instant booking when I travel.
It's way more convenient. As a host, I wanted SIM booking because I don't want any barriers to people booking, but I have a rental in Auburn, Alabama, and I primarily just game day rentals and things like that. And one time an unverified person with no picture. And the name was literally B period booked my place.
And I was like, cancel like, no. Some random person with the last name B can't or first name B. I don't even know you can't stay. Sorry. So you have to be, you have to kind of put in your own, um, guardrails, the example tried so hard to push. Yeah. All three of those checklists. I love that because if you have all three in place, You are just, I mean, you're, you're, you're taking the chances of something happening just down to the minimum.
They're going to say next, they're going to say next, you know, they want something easy. It's like a burglar going to Rob a house, the one with all the security lights and the signs that say we have, they're like next, you know? Yeah. A hundred percent. That's a good analogy. So, yeah, the majority, like I said, the majority of our listeners have between one and five properties.
So how expensive is it when you only have one property used to be? Um, you had to have a few in order to make noise aware, like, you know, efficient, but now how affordable is it for somebody with one property as opposed to five properties? How does it get, does it get less, the more that you have. Yeah. So a couple of questions there.
Uh, you mentioned proper insurance a second ago. If you use proper four year insurance, you'll get a five to 10% discount on premiums, which, which in many cases pays for at least. Yeah. There you go. Um, so our condo and apartment price is 1 99 and it's a single indoor sensor. And our indoor outdoor combo is 2 99.
And that comes with one indoor and one outdoor. You don't really need more than one for most properties. Um, I was out in Lakita a couple of weeks ago, and some of those houses have a swimming pool in the front yard and the patio grill tables in the backyard that might need multiple outdoor sensors. But the vast majority of properties I I've seen just need one indoor and west.
Where do you suggest people place them? If they're inside, what's your suggestion on where they place them? Yeah. So the common room, typically it's most floor plans now have some sort of kitchen that flows into the living room. Sound is just going to bounce off those walls anyway. So any outlet that's not a high use, high frequency.
Um, by that and screwed in, but typically adjacent, not on the same wall as your TV and stereo system. Perfect. And then if you're outside, like you said that a lot of our places have outside pools with know barbecue area and stuff like that. I mean, we find that that's where the congregation goes, especially, um, in places like Arizona and Florida.
People are coming from other states and they're like, this is great. We're outside. So this is our outdoor sensor. It looks kind of like a hockey puck. Um, and it's got, uh, a plate on the back. We, we send them all with a little screw that you can punch through there if you want, or double-sided tape to pop in and have it drop in wherever you want it to.
But typically what we would advise is. You know, most houses have a pergola over the table or whatever, pop and right above that. Um, most of the time people are going to put their speaker, whatever on that table, if they're getting into the pool or playing around in the backyard. And we're going to be able to capture that as close to the source as possible.
And, uh, being in the right spot is important when you monitor noise, because every 10 feet you move away from the. The device it's gonna obviously drastically change the test for you. So the closer you are to the source of the noise, the better, but in the outdoor situation, most of it's going to be right underneath the parking lot, especially if you're as pale as me, you can't be in the sun for too long.
So 199 and then 2 99. Now what if you have more properties? Yeah. So if you have five, more than five. Then we start to, uh, have bulk discounts and we actually price it in a way that there is no hardware costs. So it's all built into the monthly and that that's going to vary depending on the volume of homes.
Right? So we have our largest customers have one, two, 3000 properties with them. And then obviously we have thousands of customers with just a single one. So we were, well, that's nice. So like the property management company might have something where they're like, look, we just put this device on every one of our properties.
Yeah. If you're working with a property management company, uh, ask them to install it and monitor it for you. Um, and. It's quite frankly, they should be doing it anyway, because that's what a responsible property manager would do. Exactly. So, yeah, I would, would make sure to ask your property managers about that first.
Yup. And so we already covered two of the proper insurance. I mean, that's that five to 10% discount on, on those properties. Like you said, that pays for it. Pays for a lot, like well done. It's already done. So do you pay for monitoring once you have those prices? Once you've paid for the device, do you have to pay a monthly monitoring fee?
So in that price comes the first year of service and then every year after that is just $99. Perfect. Perfect. That's I mean, come on guys. Think about that. You're, you're paying less than $10 a month to make sure that your property is safe and secure and that you're deterring all the bad apples from renting your place.
I mean, once people see that it's one of the first things that we put in our listings, once they see. Yeah, noise fine. But I've ever seen is $250, so already paying for itself if it stops one. Absolutely. Absolutely. Can you give us more advice on party prevention? Yeah. Well, so in terms of advice on our system, what we would recommend is as soon as you install noise, Go knock on your neighbor's doors and tell them, Hey guys, you know, they already know you're renting short term.
Um, tell them that you've installed noise ware, and then you're going to be monitoring it. They don't need to call, um, and let you know anymore that you've got to taken care of. And that drastically changes complaints, both purposeful and warranted complaints. And also. Yeah. The fake ones. Exactly. I never even thought of fake ones.
I mean, that's so crazy happens all the time. You'd be amazed actually, in my mind, I started thinking of the neighborhoods that we've had stuff where we're like, somebody complained about stuff and we're like, did anybody hear that? Yeah. You're like, come on that that's not even real. And we're like, do you think somebody would make that up?
And it's beyond me, but they don't want short-term rentals there. So yeah. Yeah, that's another one typically in, um, and this was one I picked up from a guy named Jasper rivers who has a little podcast Jasper, but Jasper tells people paid for your pad. Yeah, the jingle is like always locked in mind.
Um, but one of his. Strategies is, is saying it in a positive way for the guests, but Hey guys, if you need anything, either myself or my property manager, we live right in the neighborhood, whether they do or not like we're right there. If you need anything, just let us know we're right around the corner. Um, and then, you know, it's kind of in the back of their minds, like they're living around the corner.
Yeah. So I liked that approach. Um, that's a good one. And yeah, maybe. So we are approved by all of the platforms, Airbnb booking.com, VRBO, everybody not only approves us, but all three of those has have promoted noise aware, um, specifically is so it's approved by all of them, but you also need to put it in your listing, make sure it's in it for your own sake and for the noise, uh, for the platform sake.
And ultimately. Like, this is just going to be one of those checkbox amenities in the future. Um, but, but for now, yeah, I can put it in the listing and that's going to it's. It is, it's definitely going to be one of those things. Like you said, the three important things, make sure you have insurance, make sure you have noise aware and make sure you're you're screening your people.
I mean, those are really important. Those would be the three things. That would be perfect, but thank you so much for your time, Michael. I really appreciate it. And taking away time from your little one, it's actually napping right now. So it's uh, oh, that's nice. Yeah, that'd be nice. Well, have fun down in new Orleans and, uh, don't get too carried away.
Like you said, we're going to all the time. You're like, oh, let the hotel handle it. Uh, I it's, I get, I'm always the one asked by my family and my friend group of like, Hey, get us a place. I usually try to shy away from it. Like, I'm that Sergeant? That it's not my job. It's not my description anymore. Yeah.
There's certain friend groups that you can trust. Like, yeah, they'll, there'll be calm, but others, this one in particular, I'm going with this week. Nope, staying in a hotel. I don't want my name tied in with it, guys. Everything you need to know about Michael and noise, where is going to be right underneath.
You'll see it in the description here. And we also have [email protected]. You'll notice that there's a business to business resource center and right there under party prevention, right there, you'll see noise where you click on it. It's been there forever and it will always be there because it is the best company bar.
None to get your noise away or products. For that specific reason, if you listen to the entire interview, you'll know that Michael explained that this device, as others do not always have, does not record your guest. And so the privacy issue is really, really important. So make sure that you are using noise where, because you're going to protect your guests and your for self and not harm their privacy in any way, shape or form.
Thank you again, Michael, for your time. I do appreciate it. So that interview was a lot of them talking to my goal about noise aware. I'll tell you some vain, just having, like he said, those three preventions, making sure that you're screening your guests with something like super hog, making sure that you have noise aware or a party product like noise aware.
And when you have noise aware, you can use your insurance company, which is third thing and proper insurance. We'll give you a five to 10% discount. When you use noise, where, so not only are you going to save money, but you are going to cut down the chances of you even having a party in your property or even having.
An insurance claim at all period. And then you're going to cut down the cost of the insurance claims. So incredible, incredible information. I think it's a great product to have simply because it detours a lot of people who were going to have parties when they see that. When they see that you have outside cameras, when they see that you're monitoring the noise levels and that you have party prevention equipment in your home, they are going to avoid it.
They are really going to avoid it and just go onto one. That's a lot easier. And I think that's critical in this day and age. So thanks so much for listening. Hey, next week I've got Maria Giordano and she's going to be talking about her negotiation. And this is one of my favorite, favorite things that Maria does.
I know she's a guru at her real estate courses and she's super great at everything she does. She's been on good morning, America and everything. But my favorite thing about Maria is the way she negotiate. She is a genius when it comes to negotiation. And I love to just rack her brain all the time on it because she practices it so often.
I mean, she's constantly working. And, we've got that interview with Maria specifically on negotiations. That's going to be next Monday. Then on Friday, we've got our best of short-term rental revenue podcast. And that way I can take Friday off, you guys can have a listen, something to learn from, and then Monday we'll have Maria on there.
So make sure you have a great week. And we'll talk to you on Friday with the best of, and then you can have a great weekend. Thank you so much for listening. God bless you. Have a great day. Go and grow.
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