072 – STRR – Prostitutes and Drug Dealers and Bachelor Parties! Oh, my!
Whether you realize it or not, your STR is a target for criminals. Hotels and Motels have increased security and monitoring. Therefore, Organized Crime is finding it increasingly difficult to function there and they are now looking for alternate and less monitored STR units. Don’t allow your rental to be used for drug trafficking, human trafficking, or prostitution. Michelle will tell you how. Also, keep your neighbors happy by not allowing parties to get out of hand and infringe on their peace and quiet. We’ve got all this and more packed into this episode.
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Michelle may be taking a break but she's left you with a great series of articles for you BNB's and some amazing sale prices on our courses. Head to BNBBosses.com or BNB-Boss.com to take advantage! We'll see you in November!